Posted On
2013 Jun 14
almost 12 years ago
Updated On
2024 Jan 13
about 1 year ago
Had a fun trip to 伊勢神宮 and 二見興玉神社. Lots of people and heavy rain
Mostly 6D + 24-70 f/2.8L II
Shot the signboard with 70-200 with 2x extender
Smart way of making some money
Queuing to get into the shrine
One of the many gigantic trees
Smoking area hut
Pond with carps. 2.8!
Resting area near the shrine. No one was sitting there and decided to take a clean shot of it. Neat (I actually arranged one of the chairs)
The old on the left, and modern on the right. I had the right part desaturated to show the contrast of Japan buildings
Heavy rain. Heavier rain. Time to go back.
24-70mm Sharpness
The 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM is really sharp. Real sharp. I like it and I bet it will serve me well in events.