Posted On

2017 Dec 09

about 7 years ago

Updated On

2023 Oct 07

over 1 year ago

(Post) Setup / Optional(s)

Change the default admin password

Under Gear Settings Icon (Top right, left of Global Search) > Manage Users

Edit the current admin user and change its default password

Use SVG graphs

LibreNMS can output SVG graphs which has better clarity than png

Settings (Gear icon beside Search bar) >> Global Settings >> Webui Settings >> Graph settings >> graph type


Back to the Terminal, we can set up custom settings to LibreNMS to exclude features like Billing and Services etc since we are not using them

cd /volume1/docker/librenms
vi custom.config.php

Google away on how to use vi as Synology do not have nano

Paste in the following example, which is heavily customised for Synology devices, change accordingly to LibreNMS's documentation


$config['show_locations'] = 1; # Enable Locations on menu
$config['show_locations_dropdown'] = 1; # Enable Locations dropdown on menu
$config['show_services'] = 0; # Enable Services on menu
$config['int_customers'] = 0; # Enable Customer Port Parsing
$config['summary_errors'] = 1; # Show Errored ports in summary boxes on the dashboard
$config['int_transit'] = 0; # Enable Transit Types
$config['int_peering'] = 0; # Enable Peering Types
$config['int_core'] = 0; # Enable Core Port Types
$config['int_l2tp'] = 0; # Enable L2TP Port Types
$config['force_ip_to_sysname'] = true;
$config['enable_bgp'] = 0; # Enable BGP session collection and display
$config['enable_syslog'] = 0; # Enable Syslog
$config['enable_inventory'] = 0; # Enable Inventory
$config['enable_pseudowires'] = 0; # Enable Pseudowires
$config['enable_vrfs'] = 0; # Enable VRFs
$config['enable_sla'] = 0; # Enable Cisco SLA collection and display
$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = '/^lo.*/'; // ignore loopback interface
$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = '/^docker[w]+$/'; // ignore docker interfaces
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = "/^/volume1/@docker/.*/"; // Syno-NAS ignore docker mounts
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/dev/shm"; // Syno-NAS
$config['ignore_mount_regexp'][] = "//run.*/"; // Syno-NAS
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/sys/fs/cgroup"; // Syno-NAS
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/tmp"; // Syno-NAS

After you have edited the custom.config.php to your liking, remember to perform a restart on your docker container to reflect the new settings

docker restart librenms


As alerting will be out of the scope of this tutorial, I'm sure you can explore around and tinker with the settings. Email alerts will be sent out via SMTP with regards to using jarischaefer/docker-librenms's container

Just to list a few alert transports (or methods if you wish in the tech world) in LibreNMS if you wish to use other transports other than email:

  • Pushover
  • Discord (free)

Alerts can be useful as they will notify you when something goes down and sends you a recovery message with elapsed downtime

Please do keep this in mind, if you are planning to monitor devices that often have downtime, it will make sense to have the LibreNMS installed on a location that is 24hours online with a stable Internet connection. If your LibreNMS server or Network goes down, how will it be able to send an alert to you?

My scenario with LibreNMS is that I have two LibreNMS instances installed at two different physical locations

One of the locations suffers from electrical power blackouts and unstable Internet connection, while the other location is located in a city with 24hrs electricity and no Internet downtime

The stable LibreNMS is used to monitor the Router of the unstable location and sends alerts when necessary

While not everyone has access to two or more physical locations, your only choice would be to set up a cloud hosted server Eg: DigitalOcean

Useful Commands

Having ran the above commands multiple times previously when I was still testing LibreNMS and configuration, so this should work as intended on a Synology NAS

If you come across any errors, it does not hurt to remove the Docker container, check the docker run command and run it again as it can be confusing with many docker variables


List all containers / Or view them in your DSM Docker app

docker ps -a

Check your current Docker gateway (your NAS IP when access from inside Docker)

docker inspect bridge

Start container from terminal

docker start container-name

Stop container from terminal

docker stop container-name

Remove container from terminal

docker rm container-name

Start a docker bash from terminal

docker exec -it container-name bash


If you decide to remove any of the MariaDB or LibreNMS containers, remember to also remove the existing data from the persistent data folder eg: /volume1/docker/mariadb , /volume1/docker/librenms

rm -r foldername/

Be super careful when running rm -r with root privileges, ensure you are deleting correct folders. Eg: rm -r /volume1/ will delete your whole volume1 folder! Always make sure you are in the correct folder while running commands. If in doubt, go back to DSM >> File Station and delete folders/files the GUI way

List files in directory


rm -r mariadb/

rm -r librenms/

Networking issues

From your Syno terminal, ensure your Syno NAS can communicate with other devices (eg: ping). If your NAS is able to communicate with the devices, there are usually no problems with your docker commands as the docker network interface is bridged to your NAS. This usually boils down to device firewall that is blocking UDP port 161

Check Firewalls on Synology and Device(s)

Check your Synology & device firewalls, static routes, router settings etc to allow UDP port 161 SNMP protocol, especially true for remote polling of devices


Router level Site-to-Site VPN users, most of the case the routes are automatically added for you by your Router. If you are using a 3rd party VPN connection on your Syno, please add the relevant static routing for more advanced networks (eg: multiple local subnets)

If you suspect your container is having problems, you can troubleshoot further by running a docker bash terminal (docker exec -it librenms bash), and try to ping your devices and/or perform a snmpwalk


Aug 24, 2018 Update

Open a LibreNMS container bash

  1. via Synology GUI
  2. via Portainer GUI >> Console
  3. Manually
  • docker exec -it librenms bash

Ping the device you wish to poll from the container bash


  1. ping

  1. If ping is successful, means your Synology and device is able to "talk" with each other. A big part of your network issue has been fixed. Usual cases are when Device A sends out to Device B (received), but Device B doesn't reply due to Firewall and/or OS restrictions. If you are unable to ping your device, you will need to check your Synology, router & device firewalls. Some device firewall by default will block ICMP ping

Testing SNMP udp port 161

Proceed to the next step to test your SNMP udp port 161

snmpwalk -v 2c -c your-community-passphrase

Check which snmp protocol, v1, v2c, v3, the device is currently using

  1. Ensure device SNMP is enabled, check community passphrase and perform a snmpwalk on it Eg: using v2c

  2. snmpwalk -v 2c -c your-community-passphrase

  1. If it is successful, you will see a bunch of numbers

UDP 161 Unsuccessful and timeout

  1. Check device snmpd configuration eg: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf or Windows's snmpd service and ensure it is allowing connections from certain IPs or set to allow all
  2. Check device firewall configuration is accepting/allowing port udp 161
  3. Enable and Restart snmpd service
  4. Restart device

Synology & Docker Network 101

Context: Default Synology docker networking settings

local-syno-subnet eg:

syno communicate with other devices



docker subnet

Communicating between docker containers can be done via their IPs or "--link" (which is deprecated in docker but is easier to setup and understand in this tutorial)

syno-docker: (bridge gateway)

external-ip(your syno ip):

container1: exposed-port: 1234 internal-port: 88 (eg: -p 1234:88)

container2: exposed-port: 4567 internal-port: 99 (eg: -p 4567:99)

Devices subnet to communicate with docker containers


device to container1 in syno: >>

device to container2 in syno: >>

note that you are still using syno's ip address instead of the subnet

In layman's terms, the docker network is running inside your Syno NAS, which only your NAS can "see". External devices do not know that the docker network exists

When external devices contact the relevant ports on your Syno NAS (1234, 4567), it will forward to the respective docker container IP and ports (88, 99)

Updating Containers

To update containers, there are three methods:


  1. Go to your Docker GUI in DSM
  2. Under the "Registry" tab, search for your image (in this case, jarischaefer)
  3. Click on "Download" and choose your tag (eg: latest)
  4. Wait for the download to complete, a notification will appear in your DSM
  5. Under "Container" tab, stop your current running LibreNMS container. (Right-click or click on the switch)
  6. Right-click on Container >> Action >> Clear
  7. Start LibreNMS container again
  8. The container will be updated with the newly downloaded image with previous "docker run" settings

Portainer is a great lightweight docker management UI. There's nothing against Synology's own GUI docker management environment (sluggish at times...), but I prefer Portainer's environment as it has more details

Portainer also has the ability to open a bash console in your containers, all from the web UI!

When you explore through the different sections, you will find that you have many unused images created when you were testing with containers. You can use Portainer to remove the unused images and free some disk space. Moreover, when you see such details, you start to understand more on how Docker works

Installing Portainer

Create the necessary portainer folder in your docker directory eg: /volume1/docker/portainer

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /volume1/docker/portainer:/data --name portainer portainer/portainer-ce
  1. Login and setup admin user during first install, choose local environment eg: /var/run/docker.sock
  2. Go to the "Containers" section, choose the container you wish to update eg: librenms, and click on "Recreate"

  1. A popup will appear with an option to pull the latest image during recreation

Note: If your container/image is not being updated, please make sure your container's image is not using a fixed tag.
Eg: jarischaefer/docker-librenms:latest

Reduce/Minimum downtime during an upgrade

Aug 24, 2018 Update

If you were to "Recreate" via Portainer's GUI, you will experience longer downtime as Portainer will stop the container, and then pull the image. This is not ideal if the image is large or your WAN is not fast enough

To minimise downtime, you can pull the image in advance, and then proceed to "Recreate" via the GUI with the "Pull latest image" switch turned on. This step will be similar to the Manual steps below. This way, your only downtime is the restart of the container

  1. Navigate to "Images" section, choose your LibreNMS container ID

  1. Ensure the tag you wish to update to and proceed to pull the image

  1. Wait for the pull to complete, and proceed to "Recreate" the image (remember check "Pull latest image")

Manual Image Upgrade

Jun 23, 2018 Update - Highly recommend using Portainer management UI as above. Copying/Pasting commands can be a hassle if you run more than 5 containers

Remember those docker run commands I told you to save earlier during installation? 😆

Applicable to Synology users and other systems (eg: Linux)

  1. SSH into your device
  2. Update the image
    • docker pull jarischaefer/docker-librenms:latest
  3. Stop and remove the current running container
    • docker stop librenms
    • docker rm librenms
  4. Paste your previous docker run commands
    • docker run ... ...

After Care & Upgrade Errors

If you encounter problems like this after an upgrade eg: from earlier than v1.43 to newer than 1.43, or in general

Instructions from jarischaefer/docker-librenms

Get to LibreNMS's container bash from Synology Console/Terminal or via Portainer

docker exec -it librenms bash

and run the following to validate your setup

su - librenms
source /etc/librenms_environment
cd /opt/librenms
php validate.php

And then follow, copy/paste LibreNMS's instructions to fix the problems, which are usually permission errors since we are running LibreNMS in a docker container, which complicates matters but safe to leave it

Continue to Page 3. Afterword

Why Docker?
One Point of Failure?
Planning & Setting ahead
Set, Analyze & Forget

Copyright © 2012 - 2025 Jason Loong and
Logo by itsjanelia
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jason Loong and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. site uptime badge