Posted On

2022 Dec 31

almost 2 years ago

Updated On

2023 Jan 18

almost 2 years ago

2022 Dec 31

Site is pretty much working!

Began going through my old blog posts and re-uploading photos!

Migrating away from WordPress meant I had to get rid of all the tags from the previous Avada theme

Didn’t really plan this timing/schedule but with the New Years (into 2023) coming along, I was visiting my older posts and nostalgia sets in

10 years

It’s been 10 years since I’ve started running the website!

While going through the older posts for grammatical mistakes which meant reading them… I realised I was full of energy, youth and optimism when I wrote them

Photos uploaded in blog posts didn’t need to be pretty, it just had to hold my memories and mean something to me. Obviously I try to write for the reader/viewer but the priority was the memory of being in Japan

Idle Life

As to my previous post of Site Broken and Progressive Fix, I have stopped uploading photos to the site, and or even post about anything

There are a few reasons for that:

  • full time job in Singapore
  • no longer a professional in photography
    • you can only shoot so much in your daily life before everything becomes the same shots/angles
  • minimal life events
  • tired of WordPress

In the moment

For a good few years, I have been concentrating on writing tech tutorials, because it was what I was doing at that point of time. I’ve always been a tech guy behind the scenes, which has fuel-ed me to become a (almost) full-stack developer

Once the current challenge has been resolved, I decide whether to write a tutorial to share the information and knowledge, depending on other articles that can be found online


With lockdowns in place, it was the worst timing to get a new set of camera equipment. My major equipment swap to the Leica ecosystem

It meant not being able to go out and further test my new gear even if I wanted to. I did managed to get two outings with the M10 but wasn’t enough as I’m new to a rangefinder. Everything just came to a halt and felt like it was hanging

This photo was shot just before Malaysia's first lockdown, as flight routes began opening up in Singapore

During lockdown

Apart from having a no-frills everyday life in Malaysia, most of my time have been put to learning programming, Python, especially JavaScript and VueJS

I tend to build workflows, or habits real quick, which soon made learning programming a 9-5 stay at home job

With this learning process in place, there wasn’t any energy left to write new tutorials and/or even take photos

Tired of Maintenance

Over the years the site has been through multiple breaking changes, totalling to 9

  • was born
  • Moved from to
  • Changed Theme
  • Migrated to Koken as the CMS
  • Migrated back to Wordpress as Koken had company issues and stopped updates
  • Changed to Avada theme
  • Changed to Eram theme
  • Moved from to
  • Changed to Avada theme temporarily

Plug-in authors begun to embrace the monthly subscription model. If I am still freelancing for photography, it can justify the monthly price I pay to upkeep the plug-ins, but that’s not the case for me

After much contemplating, it’s time to let go of WordPress and roll with something else, thanks to my new found skill sets


Tutorials gets outdated too, and some effort is required to maintain one. I probably won't write another "full" tutorial like the Synology SNMP Network Monitoring with LibreNMS Docker... but time will tell. Tech tutorials on my site are based on softwares that I am currently using, so updates or breaking changes along the way gets updated into the tutorial too

While going through some of my older tutorials, I have decided to archive one of them as it was no longer reproducible

  • rsync (MacOSX) & Automator & Terminal

Welcoming 2023

Photos, Photoblogs

Looking at the photos that I have shot in the beginning, it made me realize that such a skillset do get rusty over-time, but it is something that stays with you for-almost-ever

2023 will definitely see more photos posted into the site, as I get more familiar with the only rangefinder on hand (besides the iPhone)


More info/consolidation posts like Migrated a Plex Intel NUC to XCP-ng Xenserver with iGPU Passthrough, which contains my experience, point of views, rather than a tutorial

Copyright © 2012 - 2024 Jason Loong and
Logo by itsjanelia
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jason Loong and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. site uptime badge